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How to Unlock the Full Potential of Social Media Advertising

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You do plenty of day-to-day marketing on social media, from promoting brand values to posting regular content to connecting with customers. However, when it comes to paid advertising on social media, you want to ensure it achieves its full potential, benefiting your business as much as possible. However, we know this isn’t always easy, so we’ve outlined some tips to help you unlock the full potential of your social media advertising.

Testing and Performance

The first thing to think about is how you determine the ideal content or messaging for your advertising. Utilizing A/B testing and organic performance are two ways to do this. Testing can be used to run multiple ads against each other to see which ones do best. By testing ads on smaller audiences, you can see what works best to promote to a larger audience. On the other hand, your content’s organic performance is another good indicator of its advertisement success. Using similar messaging or structure to the content that does well can be a good starting point for a campaign, or even boosting those posts can be a good route to ensure you are promoting successful content.

Objectives and Audience

The second area you want to look at is your campaign objectives and audience. What do you want your campaign to do for your company? Who do you want it to reach? Don’t get distracted by a trend or creative idea without ensuring it aligns with your company goals and objectives. Make sure your messaging works towards these goals and targets your desired audience. Narrowing down the audience you want to advertise to is essential in planning a campaign – even the best ad is useless if shown to the wrong people.

Engagement and Interactive Content

The next thing you should consider is the actual format of your advertisement. While the messaging and audience are important, your ad’s format can also affect its success. If you are using an already successful post as your inspiration, you might already have this part down, but content that is engaging and interactive is a significant way to encourage its success. Interactive ad formats, such as polls, quizzes or playable ads, capture audience attention and provide a memorable experience. Whatever format you choose, it is also essential to be mobile-friendly. Making sure your ad is geared toward engagement rather than just impressions can be crucial to unlocking its potential. 

Metrics and Results

Our final tip is on the more logical side. Gearing your ad and metrics towards the platform you are using and the objective you are aiming for is essential. Concrete results that are understandable and practical allow you to actually see and report on your results. In addition, it will enable you to see what worked and what didn’t so you can build off this for future campaigns. You unlock so much potential simply by having something to work off of rather than starting at square one. Developing a useful metrics and reporting system can help your company ensure your ads are helping you grow.

Social media advertising has a lot of potential to help your business, and hopefully, with these tips, you can reach it! For more marketing advice and services, contact unLOCKEd today!

Author: Sarah Murphy


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