From SEO to targeted ads and everything in between, it can become increasingly difficult to know where to put your marketing efforts to get your business in front of people. Outsourcing your marketing or having a marketing expert on your team can help you understand the algorithms and tools that can be used to your company’s advantage. For now, in this blog, we’ve put together some quick tips to give you a better idea of how to get your business seen online.
Brand Presentation
Before we get into how to get people to your website or social media pages, it’s important to discuss what these pages look like. If a potential customer finds your page and it is not visually appealing or informative, they will immediately be turned off. No matter how many views you can get on your pages, it will not matter if you can’t keep the viewers there. Additionally, if your website is challenging to navigate or understand, this may discourage customers. Your pages across platforms should be consistent and authentic to your brand in order to give off a uniform message that does not confuse or dissuade those viewing them.
Getting Your Name Out There
The first way to get your business in front of people is to maximize brand awareness. By getting your business listed on Google or connecting with media outlets or complementary businesses, you are expanding the number of people that may see or hear your name. By increasing the number of people that hear or see your name organically when visiting or looking for other businesses, you are increasing the number of people that may visit your website or social media pages.
Creating an email marketing list is another way to get your name out there, albeit less organically. Even if people are not ready to use your business or browse your products and services immediately, sending them marketing emails will keep you on their minds until the need arises.
We’ve Said It a Million Times: SEO
We know hearing about SEO gets repetitive. Pretty much anyone in the marketing space will bring it up – but it’s for a good reason. Improving your company’s SEO can significantly increase how much your business is seen online. HubSpot explains that search engines look for elements including title tags, keywords, image tags, internal link structure, and inbound links (also known as backlinks) as well as site structure and design, visitor behaviour, and other external, off-site factors to decide how your site should rank in their search results. Using the correct keywords and structural elements ensures that when someone Googles your product or service category, they find your website.
Targeted Advertising
Have you ever been talking to someone about a business or topic and had an ad for it pop up on your phone later that day? If you’re in the marketing space, you’re probably aware that, no, your phone is not listening to you. In a way, social platforms are “eavesdropping,” but just not in the way we think. Using location tracking allows social media platforms to make connections between the places we go and the people we see and target ads to our activity. If your friend has recently been to a restaurant and you are discussing it, the social platform sees that you are in the same location as your friend and that your friend has been in that restaurant and uses this connection to try the ad on you too.
All this is to say that if you want your business to be seen, paying for advertising goes a long way. Social media advertising has become advanced enough that you are not just putting your campaign in front of any old user, but someone with whom the algorithm has made the connection that they might be interested. Chances are, if you see an ad for something you have recently talked about, you’re more likely to notice it rather than scroll by. From location tracking to demographics, targeted advertising makes a huge difference when trying to get your business in front of people.
Today’s marketing scene can be complicated, so we hope these tips help! Our marketing experts at unLOCKEd can help make a difference in your marketing strategy so that your business is seen by as many people as possible.
Author: Sarah Murphy