Welcome to unLOCKEd’s Marketing Mindfulness Series!
In today’s hectic digital world, mindfulness practices can provide relief from the chaos when you can’t just shut it off. Mindfulness can benefit your personal and professional life, which we discussed in more detail in July’s Marketing Mindfulness blog. If you haven’t read it yet, be sure to check it out!
We are sharing one mindfulness practice a month to help you gradually implement mindfulness into your daily life. Trying to make a big change all at once can be daunting and frustrating, but with one small change each month, you can make a big difference!
February Mindfulness Practice: Focus on the Essential
This month’s mindfulness practice is to focus on the essential. As a marketer, endless tasks, deadlines, and objectives are thrown your way every day. Staying on top of everything can be overwhelming, to say the least. However, there’s only so much you can do in a day. Instead of thinking about everything on your plate, try to focus on the essential things that need to be done that day. This is not to say the rest of your responsibilities should be ignored, of course, but if it’s not an immediate deadline, it may just be causing unnecessary stress!
Focusing on the essential can help avoid unnecessary stress, allow you to prioritize your responsibilities better, and even enable you to do a better job of the tasks you are focusing on. While it is useful to have an understanding of future tasks and effects, especially as a marketer, focusing too much on them can cause premature stress. Focusing on the present and what needs to get done that day can help alleviate some of that. Additionally, it can help with prioritization. When your to-do list is miles long, understanding what is essential by taking it day-by-day can help with deadlines, delegating, and overall work management.
Finally, focusing on the essential can help you avoid being distracted by other tasks and projects that are not as high priority. With less stress and distractions, your mind is free to be more effective and creative, resulting in a better end product.
How to Implement This Practice
The best way to implement this practice is to apply it at the beginning and end of each workday. Before you dive into your many emails and tasks, create a to-do list in the morning of what you need to get done that day. This may need to be edited throughout the day as new high-priority tasks arise or if deadlines get pushed, but it ensures you begin your day in an organized and focused fashion.
At the end of the day, go over your to-do list again. Check off what you accomplished and make a note of anything that needs to be a first priority in the morning. After a busy day, this practice can remind you of your successes and put you in a good mood before you head home.
We hope this mindfulness practice helps! Be sure to look out for next month’s blog to continue this series with us!
Author: Sarah Murphy